Friday, March 2, 2007

Kaizen #02

Gov't study international food issues

TOKYO — The agriculture ministry said Friday it will set up a panel to study issues related to international food production to secure stable food supplies for the country in the future.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is set to hold its first meeting of the internal panel on Monday to study issues such as projections of the global supply and demand balance for food, with four experts participating. The ministry plans to continue the survey for about a year. The panel's establishment comes at a time when the circumstances surrounding food procurement are changing. One example is a sharp rise in the price of corn and other farm crops on the back of surging demand for bio-ethanol, which has drawn attention as an alternative fuel to gasoline."

Now that is what I call "sustainability" and "planning ahead". This should serve as an example to other countries (such as mine) where the advantages of actually planning something and sticking to the plan, are widely overlooked.

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