Monday, May 7, 2007

Moving on Up,

...climbing on down. The world is a set of perfectly paired opposites, claimed Parmenides. Each one carefully fitting into self-contained preconceptions of right and wrong. good and bad. Others called it Yin and Yang. Black and White. Good and Evil. But then came those who asked if weight could be weightless and lightness unbearable. Came those who looked at all the shades of grey and the world sprawling within them. Still, in Japan, most of those haven't came around. Conditioned. tagged. pre-defined. Logical. Accepting. Abiding. And Kundera by my side still pondering on this unbearable lightness of being that here, most don't seem to understand. Because they haven't even reached the point of even posing the question. Silent acceptance. On the way to work. On the way from work. In their homes. Outside themselves. Japan is this silent sea of ever-moving unquestionability.